Committee Chairs

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Committee Chairs

Commission Presidents / Commission Presidency

The Committee Chairpersons are elected by the founding members, the Chairman of IFCFA, the Presidency members and the National Managers for two years.



  • African Affairs Committee
  • Australian Affairs Committee
  • Asian Affairs Committee
  • North American Affairs Committee
  • Central American Affairs Committee
  • South American Affairs Committee
  • European Affairs Committee
  • United States Affairs Committee
  • United Kingdom Affairs Committee
  • Ethics Committee
  • Economic and Monetary Committee
  • Legal  & Advocacy Committee


The Committee monitors the changes in the laws in the area and reports to the Presidency of IFCFA, every three months on the draft laws, relating to the profession and through the various professional positions in front of the various authorities:


  • Representation in countries and international professional organizations,
  • Creating opinion on legislation concerning the establishment of companies and bookkeeping,
  • Develop proposals for changes to the laws on the establishment and accounting of companies, to develop international standards, to simplify the establishment of companies and to bookkeeping, to modernize training and education,
  • The theoretical development and practical implementation of issues relating to the establishment and accounting of companies,
  • Developing professional ethical standards and training concepts for the establishment of company and accountancy activities,
  • Implementation of measures for continuing vocational training of members, participation in professional training of members,
  • Providing professional information, gathering unanswered questions and resolutions,
  • Collecting and publishing resolutions agreed and agreed upon by the profession,
  • Organizing presentations, consultations, discussion forums on the timely tasks, problems encountered, occasionally with tax consultants, auditors, legal professionals, free expression,
  • Providing professional advice to members in order to be recognized experts in the tax and accounting profession,
  • The training of founders and accountants as an accredited training participant.

The Commission is obliged to inform the National Chief Presidency or the International IFCFA Federation about the irregularities detected and to call for the termination of the irregularity.


The Commission is obliged to convene the National Leadership Presidency,

if you get informed about:


  • In the course of the operation of the National Presidency, a violation of law or an act or omission that otherwise seriously violates the interests of the National Association has been observed, the elimination or the elimination or mitigation of its consequences necessitates the decision of IFCFA Presidency or
  • The fact that the Chief Executive Officer of the National Federation was responsible for this.


The assembly or the leader presidency shall be convened for action by the Commission at the request of 30 days from the date of its adoption. In the event of an unsuccessful expiry of this period, the Commission shall also be entitled to convene a meeting of members and a senior Presidency.

If the authorized body fails to take the necessary measures to restore legitimate operation, the supervisory body shall immediately notify the chair of the International IFCFA Association, which is responsible for the lawfulness control.


If you would like to be a member of a committee, complete the application form below:


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Az Adatvédelmi Szabályzatot elolvastam, azzal egyet értek
Az IFCFA Szövetség szabályzatát elolvastam, azzal egyetértek
Az IFCFA Szövetség Üzleti, Etikai és Szakmai Kódexét elolvastam, azokkal egyet értek, azokat magamra nézve kötelező jelleggel ismerem el.
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