Mentor Membership

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Mentor Membership

– It can not be elected in the organs of the Association;
– You may only participate in the decision-making of the Association’s Assembly;
– You must comply with the basic rules of the Association, implement the resolutions of the Assembly, the Commissions and the Presidency.

The mentor member of the Association is obliged to pay yearly the subsidy accepted to donate to by the transfer to the Association’s account.
The presidency of the association may elect the person to the mentor member of the association who has paid a set regular payment accepted to pay every year and has paid his support by transfer to the Association’s account.

Budgetary organs of the Association cannot be a mentor member.

The mentor member is registered by the secretariat and sends an electronic message to the supporting member of the registration.
Starting date for mentor Membership is the date on which the Bureau has made a decision on the Membership.

The person applying to the Membership will be registered by the secretariat after the payment of the membership fee and sends an electronic message to the person for registration. The starting date for membership is for the mentor Members the day on which the IFCFA  Presidency make a decision about the person’s membership choice.


The mentor member of the association must always pay the federal membership fee.

The mentor status can only be obtained after the amount paid in addition to the basic membership fee.

First, sign up using the form below, pay the federal fee for the given time, and wait until our confirmation arrives. After that, we will send you a fee for your mentorship amount, which will compensate you for the status of mentorship for a full year.

If you would like also become a mentor of the IFCFA  Association,

fill out the application form below:


Tagsági Regisztrációs Űrlap

*A csillaggal jelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.


Kérjük adja meg a jelenkező cég vagy vállalkozás adatait:

(Please upload an ID card or a copy of your driver's license here. If you don't have this, a photo ID that is not your passport) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC , RTF, TXT formats are allowed, with a maximum size of 25MB.
(Please upload a copy of your Passport here. If you don't have it, the document you usually travel with) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats allowed, maximum size 25MB.


Tevékenységi adatok

Írja ide, ha az \"Egyéb\" opciót válaszotta, hogy mi a fő tevékenysége
(A megadott nyelvű oldalakon lesz elérhető a cége)
(többnyelvű ország esetén)

Adja meg, melyik weboldalát jelenítsük meg az oldalon


Adja meg azt a 3 kulcsszót, amelyekre szeretné, hogy a Google, Yahoo, Bing, Search, és Yandex keresőkben a cége megjelenjen. Ha ön több országba regisztrált, akkor azokat az oldalakat fogjuk a megadott kulcsszavakra optimalizálni a keresőkben.

Az Adatvédelmi Szabályzatot elolvastam, azzal egyet értek
Az IFCFA Szövetség szabályzatát elolvastam, azzal egyetértek
Az IFCFA Szövetség Üzleti, Etikai és Szakmai Kódexét elolvastam, azokkal egyet értek, azokat magamra nézve kötelező jelleggel ismerem el.

To continue federal membership, click on the “Login” link (right in the menu) to register an account with your own details. In your finished account, you can click on the “Shop” button in the header (left-top) to select the appropriate membership and then you can make your order by selecting the following payment options:

  • PayPal > (Steps: Select Package) > Payment (green button) > (PayPal Select) PayPal > Order (Blue Button) > Log in to your PayPal account
  • Credit Card > (Steps: Select Package) > Payment (Green Button) (PayPal Select) PayPal > Order (Blue Button) > Payment With Credit Card
  • By Bank Transfer > (Steps: Select Package) > Payment (Green Button) (Select Payment Method) Mail in Payment > Order (Blue Button) option.
    With the above steps, you can order your order for IFCFA Alliance.

As soon as the payment arrives, we will send you our confirmation to check the correct filling in of the form. As soon as you have received the confirmation of the correctness of the data, we will start the login process and send you any further steps.