Featured Members

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Featured Members

Featured / Priority Members

A priority member of the Association may become a natural person, legal entity, non-legal entity, who is engaged in:


Based on a selected membership:

  • Accepts the Association’s goals and the obligations associated with the Membership Type,
  • Pay the annual membership fee, and
  • Elected by IFCFA’s Presidency for this position, as a member.


Definition of Priority Membership:

The selected member can be selected within the section by the recommendation of all members of the Presidency.

Elected membership provides a prominent membership of the Association for all membership types. A natural person, or a legal person (with a prominent membership), can set up working groups, oversee their work, direct them, and be responsible for the work of the working group.

The person applying for membership will be registered by the Secretaries after payment of the membership fee and will send an electronic message to the member of the registration. The starting date of the membership relationship for the member is the day on which the Presidency of the Association has made a decision on the membership.