- The Association name: International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants
- Abbreviated name of the Association: IFCFA Association.
- The Association Headquarter address: 293 Sugar Mill Business Park, Oakhurst Avenue, Leeds, South Yorkshire, LS117HL, United Kingdom
- Company Number: 11335775
- Bank details: Santander Bank, Sort Code:09-01-29; Account Number: 26808206; IBAN: GB35ABBY09012926808206; BIC/Swift code: ABBYGB2L
Euro bank account (€) Swift/BIC code: TRWIBEB1XXX; IBAN: BE07 9676 2842 4566
British pounds account (£) Sort code: 23-14-70; Account number: 46617012; IBAN: GB61 TRWI 2314 7046 6170 12
American USD account ($) dollar account details: ACH: 084009519; Bank account number: 9600013415668150
- PayPal Account: info@ifcfa.org.
- Website: https://ifcfa.org
- Email Address: info@ifcfa.org
- Client Gate: https://ifcfa.org/login/
- Phone: UK-Land Line: +44 (0) 1357-340-000; UK-Mobile: +44 (0) 757-29-410-40; HU-Mobile: +3670/550-2804
- Legal status of the Association: International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (hereinafter: IFCFA) is a non-governmental professional association representing and protecting the interests of its members (in every country with company formation and accounting activities) operating under the association’s rules.
- IFCFA as an association is a legal person.
- The official language of the Association: English and Hungarian.
[vfb id=1][:hu]
1. A Szövetség neve: International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (
Cégalapítók & Könyvelők Nemzetközi Szövetsége)
2. A Szövetség rövidített neve: IFCFA Association
3. A Szövetség központi székhely címe: 293 Sugar Mill Business Park, Oakhurst Avenue, Leeds, South Yorkshire, LS117HL, United Kingdom
4. Company Number: 11335775
5. Bank adatok: Santander Bank,
Sort Code: 09-01-29;
Account Number: 26808206;
IBAN: GB35ABBY09012926808206;
BIC/Swift code: ABBYGB2L
€uro bank account (€) Swift/BIC code: TRWIBEB1XXX; IBAN: BE07 9676 2842 4566
British pounds account (£) Sort code: 23-14-70; Account number: 46617012; IBAN: GB61 TRWI 2314 7046 6170 12
American USD account ($) dollar account details: ACH: 084009519; Bank account number: 9600013415668150
6. PayPal account: info@ifcfa.org
7. Weboldal: https://ifcfa.org
8. Email cím: info@ifcfa.org
9. Ügyfélkapu: https://ifcfa.org/login/
10. Telefon: UK-Vonalas: +44 (0) 1357-340-000;
UK-Mobil: +44 (0) 757-29-410-40;
HU-Mobil: +3670/550-2804
11. A Szövetség jogállása: a International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (a továbbiakban: IFCFA) a világ minden országában (ahol cégalapítást és/vagy könyvelést is végeznek) szakmai és érdekvédelmi, érdekképviseleti szervezetként működő civil szövetség, amely a szövetségi szabályok szerint folytatja tevékenységét.
12. Az IFCFA mint szövetség, jogi személy.
13. A Szövetség hivatalos nyelve: az Angol és a Magyar.
[vfb id=1][:fr]
- Le nom de l’association: International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (Fédération internationale des fondateurs et des comptables)
- Nom abrégé de l’association: IFCFA Association
- Adresse du siège social de l’Association: 293 Sugar Mill Business Park, Oakhurst Avenue, Leeds, South Yorkshire, LS117HL, United Kingdom
- Numéro d’entreprise: 11335775
- Données bancaires: Banque Santander, Code de tri: 09-01-29; Numéro de compte: 26808206; IBAN: GB35ABBY09012926808206; Code BIC / Swift: ABBYGB2L
€uro bank account (€) Swift/BIC code: TRWIBEB1XXX; IBAN: BE07 9676 2842 4566
British pounds account (£) Sort code: 23-14-70; Account number: 46617012; IBAN: GB61 TRWI 2314 7046 6170 12
American USD account ($) dollar account details: ACH: 084009519; Bank account number: 9600013415668150
- Compte PayPal: info@ifcfa.org
- Site web: https://ifcfa.org
- Adresse électronique: info@ifcfa.org
- Client Gate: https://ifcfa.org/login/
- Téléphone: UK-Land Line: +44 (0) 1357-340-000; UK-Mobile: +44 (0) 757-29-410-40; HU-Mobile: + 3670 / 550-2804
- Statut juridique de l’Association :l’Association mondiale des sociétés et intervenants spécialisés dans la création & comptabilité d’entreprise (ci-après : IFCFA) est une association non gouvernementale qui agit au titre d’organisation professionnelle de protection et de représentation d’intérêts, dans tous les pays du monde (où existent la création d’entreprise et/ou la tenue de livres comptables) et dont l’activité est conforme aux règles de l’association.
- La IFCFA, comme association, est une personne morale.
- Les langues officielles de l’Association sont l’anglais et le hongrois.
[vfb id=1][:es]
- El nombre de la Asociación: International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (Federación Internacional de Fundadores de Empresas y Contadores)
- Nombre abreviado de la Asociación: IFCFA Association
- Dirección de la sede de la asociación: 293 Sugar Mill Business Park, Oakhurst Avenue, Leeds, South Yorkshire, LS117HL, United Kingdom
- Número de la empresa: 11335775
- Datos del banco: Banco Santander, Código de clasificación: 09-01-29; Número de cuenta: 26808206; IBAN: GB35ABBY09012926808206; Código BIC / Swift: ABBYGB2L
€uro bank account (€) Swift/BIC code: TRWIBEB1XXX; IBAN: BE07 9676 2842 4566
British pounds account (£) Sort code: 23-14-70; Account number: 46617012; IBAN: GB61 TRWI 2314 7046 6170 12
American USD account ($) dollar account details: ACH: 084009519; Bank account number: 9600013415668150
- Cuenta de PayPal: info@ifcfa.org
- Sitio web: https://ifcfa.org
- Dirección de correo electrónico: info@ifcfa.org
- Puerta del cliente: https://ifcfa.org/login/
- Teléfono: UK-Land Line: +44 (0) 1357-340-000; UK-Mobile: +44 (0) 757-29-410-40; HU-Mobile: + 3670 / 550-2804
- Estatus legal de la Asociación: International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (en lo sucesivo: IFCFA) desarrolla sus actividades en todos los países del mundo según los reglamentos federativos (donde se constituyen sociedades mercantiles y/o se prestan servicios de contabilidad) como una Asociación cívica profesional de representación y concertación de intereses.
- IFCFA como Asociación, tiene personalidad jurídica.
- Lenguas oficiales de la Asociación: inglés y húngaro.
[vfb id=1]
- Der Vereinname: International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (Internationaler Verband der Gründer und Wirtschaftsprüfer)
- Abkürzung des Vereins: IFCFA Association
- Adresse des Vereins Hauptsitz: 293 Sugar Mill Business Park, Oakhurst Avenue, Leeds, South Yorkshire, LS117HL, United Kingdom
- Betriebsnummer: 11335775
- Bankdaten: Santander Bank, Bankleitzahl: 09-01-29; Kontonummer: 26808206; IBAN: GB35ABBY09012926808206; BIC / Swift-Code: ABBYGB2L
€uro bank account (€) Swift/BIC code: TRWIBEB1XXX; IBAN: BE07 9676 2842 4566
British pounds account (£) Sort code: 23-14-70; Account number: 46617012; IBAN: GB61 TRWI 2314 7046 6170 12
American USD account ($) dollar account details: ACH: 084009519; Bank account number: 9600013415668150
- PayPal-Konto: info@ifcfa.org
- Webseite: https://ifcfa.org
- E-Mail-Adresse: info@ifcfa.org
- Client Gate: https://ifcfa.org/login/
- Telefon: UK-Festnetz: +44 (0) 1357-340-000; UK-Mobil: +44 (0) 757-29-410-40; HU-Mobil: + 3670 / 550-2804
- Die International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (nachfolgend: IFCFA) ist ein in allen Ländern der Erde (in denen Firmengründung und/oder Buchhaltung stattfinden) als Organisation für Berufs- und Interessensschutz, sowie Interessensvertretung funktionierender ziviler Verband, der seine Tätigkeit anhand von Verbandsregeln ausübt.
- Der IFCFA als Verband ist eine juristische Person.
- Amtliche Sprache des Verbands: Englisch und Ungarisch.
[vfb id=1]
- Il nome dell’associazione: International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (Federazione internazionale dei fondatori e contabili aziendali)
- Nome abbreviato dell’associazione: IFCFA Association
- L’indirizzo della sede dell’associazione: 293 Sugar Mill Business Park, Oakhurst Avenue, Leeds, South Yorkshire, LS117HL, United Kingdom
- Numero di azienda: 11335775
- Dati bancari: Santander Bank, Sort Code: 09-01-29; Numero di conto: 26808206; IBAN: GB35ABBY09012926808206; Codice BIC / Swift: ABBYGB2L
€uro bank account (€) Swift/BIC code: TRWIBEB1XXX; IBAN: BE07 9676 2842 4566
British pounds account (£) Sort code: 23-14-70; Account number: 46617012; IBAN: GB61 TRWI 2314 7046 6170 12
American USD account ($) dollar account details: ACH: 084009519; Bank account number: 9600013415668150
- Account PayPal: info@ifcfa.org
- Sito web: https://ifcfa.org
- Indirizzo email: info@ifcfa.org
- Client Gate: https://ifcfa.org/login/
- Telefono: UK-Land Line: +44 (0) 1357-340-000; UK-Mobile: +44 (0) 757-29-410-40; HU-Mobile: + 3670 / 550-2804
- Status giuridico dell’associazione: la International Federation of Company Founders & Accountants (nel prosieguo: IFCFA) è un’associazione civile operante come organizzazione professionale e di tutela e rappresentanza degli interessi in ogni paese del mondo (ove si eseguono costituzioni di società e/o contabilità) che svolge l’attività secondo le norme associative.
- La IFCFA è un’associazione, persona giuridica.
- Lingua ufficiale dell’Associazione: inglese e ungherese.
[vfb id=1]