

Meaning of the Chief Executive Officer:

President of the Leadership, within the IFCFA Alliance: Member (Country / State).


Chief Executive Officer

The president is elected by the member assembly for 3 years. The same post may be filled for an unlimited period by reelection.

Presidency members are elected by the president and the founding members for one year. The same post may be filled for an unlimited period by reelection.


Membership of the Presidency ceases:

  • With resignation from the position
  • Recall,
  • After a definite time expires,
  • With the death of the presidency member.


Resignation must be announced at the presidency meeting and recorded in the report or written in a verifiable manner with the President.

If the membership of a member of the presidency expires prior to its expiration, the mandate of the newly elected member is for the remainder of the term of the initial term of the member elected.


The Presidency is responsible for making the following decisions:

  • Establishing the Association’s annual budget.
  • Recommendation on the strategic position regarding the Association’s objectives and tasks;
  • Proposals for agenda items;
  • Establishing case committees;


  • The Presidency may be called by the president at any time, but at least once a year. The Presidency shall call in a verifiable manner, in writing, by e-mail.
  • The Presidency has a quorum if more than half of its members are involved. Decisions of the Presidency shall be taken by an open vote by a majority of the members present. 1 membership, one vote.
  • The Presidency shall be obliged to elect the report and the two members who certify the report.


The duties and powers of the President:

  • Call together the assembly,
  • Call together and discharge the Presidency’s meeting,
  • It ensures the proper preparation of the meetings and decisions of the Presidency and the members’
  • Having contact with similar professional organizations, public administration bodies, public bodies,


The President of the National Directors:

  • It controls the management of the National Association,
  • It concludes the contracts necessary for the operation of the National Association,
  • It submits to the Presidency the contracts, agreements,
  • Practice employers’ rights over the employees of the National Association,
  • It organizes and directs the Secretaries.


The President, with the involvement of the Secretaries

  • Introduces a member register of the National Association (members of the association, supporting members, honorary members, professional members)
  • Registering paid membership fees, professional membership fees, grants,
  • It manages the funds of the National Association, exercising its powers of redemption,
  • It manages the documents of the National Association, its income and expense certificates,
  • It performs accounting tasks,
  • Introduce the repository of decisions.
  • Actions must be taken by the Assembly members and the Presidency’s decision, in the absence of a decision, in accordance with the interests of the National Management and the International Association (IFCFA).


If the President is prevented, the Vice-Presidents appointed by him/her for replace them.

Among the Vice-Presidents, the President shall appoint the Vice Presidents responsible for professional tasks and the Vice President responsible for electronic operation.


Representation of the Association

  • The National Association is represented independently by the President. On behalf of the National Association, the President is entitled to sign for signature. If he or she is not a signatory and the law requires a written form to validate the declaration, two signatures shall be signed by the Vice-President with the right to represent the President. The President shall provide electronic banking access to at least 4 persons of vice-presidents and presidency members, on the basis of which only a joint signature payment may be authorized.
  • Within the professional activities of the National Association or the International Association (IFCFA), the President, Vice-Presidents, Commission Presidents or their appointed  presidency members are entitled to represent the official position on behalf of the National Association. In the absence of a designation, the declarant may not be considered a person declaring on behalf of the National Association.


If you would like to apply for the National Presidency, please complete the form below:


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Az Adatvédelmi Szabályzatot elolvastam, azzal egyet értek
Az IFCFA Szövetség szabályzatát elolvastam, azzal egyetértek
Az IFCFA Szövetség Üzleti, Etikai és Szakmai Kódexét elolvastam, azokkal egyet értek, azokat magamra nézve kötelező jelleggel ismerem el.
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