Basic Membership

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Basic Membership

Membership / Federal Basic Membership

A member of IFCFA may become a person (natural person, legal person, non-legal entity) who is engaged in: Starting a Business, Establishing a Company, Settlement Services, Bookkeeping, Payroll, Auditing and Accounting.


  1. On a voluntary basis:
  • declares the intention of entry,
  • Accepts the Association’s goals and the obligations associated with the Membership Type,
  • Pay the annual membership fee, and
  • Elected by the Presidency of IFCFA as a member of the nominated position.


  1. On the basis of elected membership:
  • Declares the intention of entry,
  • Accepts the Association’s goals and the obligations associated with the Membership Type,
  • Pay the annual membership fee, and
  • Elected by the Presidency of IFCFA as a member of the nominated position.


Membership covers:

  • To the National Membership (Member Membership) chosen by the member,
  • For the International Membership of IFCFA (Federal Membership)


The Membership fee

The membership fee of the Association is determined by the Presidency of the Association.

The current annual membership fee and its change will be notified to members by e-mail and the current membership fee is available on the “Membership Fees” page.

The membership fee must be paid by transfer to the account of the Association, by PayPal or by the deposit with the IFCFA Association’s local offices.

Membership certificate is given to the company or business, to the name of the manager / representative of the company.


Rights and Obligations of the Federal Member

The federal member

  • Participate in the activities and events of the association;
  • Vote in the assembly;
  • If he / she fulfil the statutory conditions, he / she may be elected to any office of the association;
  • Make proposals on the Agenda of the Membership assembly;
  • Initiate the admission of an honorary member;
  • Have the right to use the services provided by the association to its members.


  • Only a member of the federation may voluntarily join the Association’s liability insurance program. The membership of the liability insurance program entails an increased membership fee and entitlements guaranteed by the Association’s insurance policy.
  • The federal member gets access to the Association’s electronic communication channels. When granting access, the Secretaries acting on behalf of the Association verifies the user’s entitlement to the user by verifying the identity.


Benefits of membership

The federal member will provide the keywords that you want the sub-page of the association to appear in the search engines when registering.

(Google, Yahoo, Bing, Search, Yandex).

Based on the keywords you entered, the association (the member specified at registration) sub-page search engine optimization on Google, Yahoo, Bing, Search, Yandex pages.

Based on the keywords you entered, the association side (displayed by the member at registration) appears on the first page in the search engines.


Based on this:

  • The federal member’s website and email address will appear on
  • The federal member can also be visited by visitors directly
  • Forwarding requests from visitors to to members
  • The federal member receives recommendations and orders


Members, association pages, are listed in the order in which they are displayed, regardless of the registration time, the fee payment, or the donation or sponsorship size.

A federal member performs as many activities as the federation, the higher it becomes on the web membership list.


If you would like to be a member of  IFCFA, complete the application form below:


Tagsági Regisztrációs Űrlap

*A csillaggal jelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.


Kérjük adja meg a jelenkező személy alap adatait:

Mr, Miss, Dr, Captain, First of this name, etc...
(Please upload an ID card or a copy of your driver's license here. If you don't have this, a photo ID that is not your passport) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC , RTF, TXT formats are allowed, with a maximum size of 25MB.
(Please upload a copy of your Passport here. If you don't have it, the document you usually travel with) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats allowed, maximum size 25MB.



Kérjük adja meg a jelenkező cég vagy vállalkozás adatait:

(Az itt megadott nyelveken lesz elérhető az ön weboldala, az IFCFA oldalán)

Tagozat kiválasztása

Weboldal adatok

Kérjük adja meg weboldalának adatait

(többnyelvű ország esetén)


A szövetség egyik fő feladata az, hogy a saját weboldalának aloldalain szereplő tagok elérhetőségeit, előkelő helyre pozicionálja a keresőmotorok találati listáin. Ennek a célnak az eléréséhez, a tagok által megadott kulcsszavakat használjuk fel.

Kérjük adja meg weboldalának adatait és azt a 3 kulcsszót, amelyekre szeretné, hogy a Google, Yahoo, Bing, Search, és Yandex keresőkben, a szövetség oldalán, az ön cége (weboldala és elérhetőségei) megjelenjen.

Adja meg a további országok neveit és kulcsszavait. (1 ország = 3 kulcsszó)


Jelölje be ezt a mezőt, ha saját Franchise-t akar létrehozni a kiválasztott országban.

(Ha ezt az opciót választja, akkor nem választhat más pozíciókat sem más tagozatokban, sem a szövetség vezetőségében.)

A Franchise jogokat egy teljes évre kell megvásárolni, és évente hosszabbítani szükséges.
(Egy év, Január 01-től - December 31.ig tart)

Jelentkezés az IFCFA vezetőségébe

Adja meg azt a pozíciót, amelyet a Szövetség vezetőségében szeretbe betölteni. (Minden pozíciónak díja van, amelyet a jelentkezőnek fizetnie kell a pozíció elnyeréséhez)

Figyelem! Egy évben csak egy pozíciót választhat!


Szabályzatok elfogadása

Az Adatvédelmi Szabályzatot elolvastam, azzal egyet értek
Az IFCFA Szövetség szabályzatát elolvastam, azzal egyetértek
Az IFCFA Szövetség Üzleti, Etikai és Szakmai Kódexét elolvastam, azokkal egyet értek, azokat magamra nézve kötelező jelleggel ismerem el.


reCAPTCHA is required.


To continue federal membership, click on the “Login” link (right in the menu) to register an account with your own details. In your finished account, you can click on the “Shop” button in the header (left-top) to select the appropriate membership and then you can make your order by selecting the following payment options:

  • PayPal > (Steps: Select Package) > Payment (green button) > (PayPal Select) PayPal > Order (Blue Button) > Log in to your PayPal account
  • Credit Card > (Steps: Select Package) > Payment (Green Button) (PayPal Select) PayPal > Order (Blue Button) > Payment With Credit Card
  • By Bank Transfer > (Steps: Select Package) > Payment (Green Button) (Select Payment Method) Mail in Payment > Order (Blue Button) option.
    With the above steps, you can order your order for IFCFA Alliance.

As soon as the payment arrives, we will send you our confirmation to check the correct filling in of the form. As soon as you have received the confirmation of the correctness of the data, we will start the login process and send you any further steps.